
I am naked; you are not. I bleed; you do not.

Everything is okay, you say. I know you’re lying, you know you’re lying, and I don’t care.

All this to hold me bleeding, to be a good man.


His shark brain in a frenzy me, a rag doll. We lay in willing chains, a useless pile of woman and man.

Strange that all I hold on to is playing solitaire, drinking morning hotel coffee, all in front of a skyscraper picture window.

I thought of jumping. He thought of nothing.


wax, hot and dripping into my palms, pink from cold and squeezing his hands under trees on fire from autumn being scattered by Persephone going under again

hot, we flicker like the candle scarring our palms


a wasp stumbled into my black house tapping its body along the hallway like a dry, dead finger

quietly I crept beneath it and introduced it to death with a swing and a shoe


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